There are a number of things you need to consider and ask if you are planning to buy your wood logs from a supplier.

  • Price – does it include delivery.
  • Size of logs (will they fit in your stove). You really don’t want to have to re-split it all yourself.
  • Green or seasoned (green will be cheaper but you will need to store them and dry them yourself to get the best results from your wood – you will also need to allow for space for log drying).
  • Buying buy weight or by volume.
  • Origin of the wood (carbon footprint, is it a sustainable wooded area).

There is a list of log suppliers available on the Biomass Energy Centre website:

Alternatively, you can find local log suppliers in your Yellow Pages or even contact your regional woodfuel officer from the Forestry Commission.

Other tips for buying good firewood are:

  • Ask friends and neighbours for recommendations
  • Shop around.
  • Don’t just order your logs by phone. If you can, pay them a visit and see the wood for yourself.
  • Check that the wood is clean. Sand and dirt affects the burn.
  • Only buy stack logs that can be counted. Don’t buy randomly piled stacks.
  • Measure the stack before delivery. That way, once it is delivered you can measure it and make sure you get the volume you pay for.
  • If possible, buy the wood in spring so you can stack it yourself and control the seasoning process until winter.

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Should Wood Burning Stoves Be Sold with a Clear Health Warning?

From 2022, all new wood burning stoves must comply with the Clean Air Act. This is the same whether you live in the country surrounded by green pastures or in an urbane city environment.